When a home environment becomes a warzone, those involved need to take action to remedy the situation as best possible.
Whether due to addiction, or some other mental illness, the best way to safeguard those in the household is to seek legal advice.
Talking to a lawyer doesn’t mean you’re betraying those experiencing difficulties at the moment. Many people associate seeking legal advice with negative experiences.
Don’t let your preconceived notions or bias prevent you from doing the right thing. You need to protect those who cannot protect themselves.
Addiction affects more and more people every year. Nearly 1 in 10 American adults now struggling with some type of addiction, according to the CDC. The average U.S. household is taking the brunt of the chaos this devastating mental illness causes.
Addiction is a mental illness that can cause people to behave impulsively, unpredictably and to make decisions that put themselves and others in danger.
Children of people in active addiction often suffer significant abuse and neglect as a result of the parent or family member’s actions.
Many other mental illnesses and situational problems can lead to trauma and family dysfunction. Depression is the number one mental illness, with 1 in 6 adults having depression in their lifetime, according to the CDC.
It’s considered the leading cause of disability by the World Health Organization and can turn a happy home into a place one wants to avoid.
Other mental illnesses such as PTSD, personality disorders, and anxiety disorders can also create a dysfunction family environment.
When one or more people in the home become depressed or addicted, it usually means that the kids and/or spouse are neglected.
The groceries don’t get bought, work is abandoned, money becomes an issue, and every conversation is an argument.
A family attorney can help you find the answer to the problem you’re facing. Family attorneys deal with divorce, custody issues, alimony and support, as well as other matters such as prenuptial and postnuptial agreements.
Many attorneys offer a free consultation and are willing to work with you financially.
Divorce is the necessary next step in many dysfunctional family situations. In the case of addiction, divorce may help all involved. Staying in an abusive or detrimental environment only enables the dysfunction to continue.
You need to make a statement that negative behavior has consequences and show that you’re not willing to live in chaos any longer.
Divorce lawyers can help you understand and navigate the divorce process. Understand that filing for divorce doesn’t make you a failure or mean you’re abandoning people in your life…