
Tammy Broccas December 19, 2019

With so many microwaves on the market it’s understandable if you find it difficult to choose one to buy. By type, microwave ovens can be divided into freestanding and built- in depending on the location. In appearance and characteristics, such furnaces are no different from each other. The advantage of embedded models is the saving […]

Tammy Broccas December 13, 2019

The economy is far different today than it was fifty years ago when your parents were retiring. Indeed, the days of one income being enough to sustain a family and put money into savings and investments are gone. Most retirees continue to work in other fields or work longer into their senior years, choosing to […]

Tammy Broccas December 30, 2018

Running a household imbued with lifelong health, safety, and happiness is not an easy task, especially if you have a couple of younglings to take care of, and a furry friend that doesn’t mind shedding and leaving paw prints all over the furniture. In fact, being a parent can be downright exhaustive if you don’t […]

Tammy Broccas December 17, 2018

Most family caregivers visit their older loved ones and bring something not only to show their affection but also to help them with their eating, and ensure that they are eating healthy. Most seniors have weakened their appetite when they have to eat the food that someone else or their family member makes for them, […]

Tammy Broccas August 7, 2018

The coming of the summer means longer, warmer, and sunnier days. But it also means that we will not be too keen on spending too much time in the kitchen. After all, who likes sitting over a simmering pot, surrounded by hot steams, while the temperatures outside call for something cool? So, we are tempted […]

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