Offices used to be very standard in their approach to work. Rows of desks, ugly strip lighting and a lack of personalization was widespread across all sectors. These days, there has been a move towards a more blended approach.
Different generations want different things from their workplace, and with up to four generations now sharing the same office, it’s important to find ways to accommodate workers of all ages. While having a blended-age workforce is an asset to any company, it also brings challenges to the design of any office. While older workers often feel comfortable with the old routine and familiarity, Millennials are often looking for variety and freedom from their workspace. So, how can you put changes in place to embrace all the generations?
The Open Workspace
Today, many office designs are moving towards the collaborative workspace, with CEOs’ offices located in the center of the space. Although the shared and open workspace has lots of appeal to younger workers, it tends to favor their preferences over those of the Baby Boomers in the office. For many older workers, the open office can actually be distracting and an obstacle to productivity.
The best way to accommodate all ages of worker is to mix dedicated and private workspaces with collaboration areas, meeting rooms and café-style workspaces. This is a blended approach which addresses both the needs of workers who want peace and consistency and those who are keen for background noise and hustle and bustle.
Wellness Boosts Productivity
The youngest generation of workers have a better understanding of how wellness can boost productivity. This explains why there has been a modern drive towards wellness in the workspace. In the past, the health and well-being of workers was often pushed into the background, however today managers are recognizing that if they help workers to stay well while they are at work, they will take less time off sick and raise productivity levels for the company.
Some of the best ways to improve wellness in the office include improving the air quality by installing air purifiers to remove contaminants and pollutants in the air, and ensuring that there are plenty of water coolers to ensure workers stay well hydrated during their day…