Guest Author December 27, 2018
girl bedroom design

Children spend a lot of their time in their bedroom and consider it as their personal space in the house. Naturally, it needs to look good and feel good. Decorating adults’ room is not difficult because you know what you want and it can be minimalist, and you would still love it. With children, it is the other way round. They may have sentimental value for so many things that they would want to keep, in addition to all the things that they actually need. Plus, it is more difficult to maintain your kids’ room too. It can get cluttered and messy in the matter of a few minutes, and you wouldn’t know where to begin. As children grow up, their needs and likes also change, so you should keep that in mind as well when you design the room. Your kid should not outgrow the major elements, or it should be easy to make changes in the room when you want. Put in furniture like these kids table from ErgoEdge and some bean bags to make it cheerful. Kids use their room for sleeping, playing and working. It only makes sense that their space should be a reflection of who they are and their little personalities. Stylish, fun, cozy, practical and comfortable is what should be in your mind when you are doing the task. Here are some decor tips for you to make your child happy with their room.

1. Organization

Design a room where your child finds it easy to maintain and control things. Your child will only be able to take charge of their room when you provide him or her with the right tools. Show children the way, and they will not let the room be a burden on you. Help your kids stay organized, it will not only be less of a hassle to keep the room neat, but children also learn to be organized throughout their life. Keep all the things at your child’s height so s/he can reach them easily. Install some closet storage, benches, and coat racks, so everything has a specific place. All these things will be used if your kids can get to them easily. Kids have a habit of collecting the most random things. Whatever you do, they will be collecting stuff so might as well provide them with a proper place for it. Pictures and postcards do not have to be stuck to some corkboard. You can hang them from strings in front of the room’s window or clip them to a string along the room’s wall. It will create an interactive border inside the room. If your kid likes to collect stamps you can get a stamp book for them, so they all stay together are not damaged.

2. Art

It is essential that you provide your kids with an outlet where they can test their creativity. This will make them use their extra time in a more productive way, and they will not be bored. Try creating an art center by using wainscoting in the room and then painting the wall below with chalkboard paint. Get the chalkboard paint in the color you like. You can also get paint that can glow in the dark. It will be available in most craft and hobby stores. You can paint stars and a moon on the ceiling of your child’s room, or paint a cityscape around the room. This way they will be excited about turning off the lights at bedtime.

3. Pin-Board

You can check some local art and crafts store if they have a peel-and-stick cork. You can cut it out in some attractive shape, peel off the backing and then attach it to any wall. It will be a fun pin-up space where kids can pin up their homework, exam dates, or some other art. Display space is cool, and all kids want it, even if they do not say it. Galvanized metal is inexpensive, and you can get it in sheets at most of the home improvement stores. Just mount them on the wall, and your child will have an instant magnetic board.

4. Decoration

Removable wall transfers are becoming very famous and affordable. They are available in multiple patterns and styles, and their popularity is growing every day. You can call them temporary wall tattoos. Get some fun ones for your kids and let them design it. It will give children a chance to have fun to decorate their room, and you will not have to worry about them ruining anything.

5. Paint

Pick out a theme for the room, around which you will build the entire design. What will be the colors that you will use? Will the furniture be white or do you want it in different colors? The colors depend on whether you want the room to look bright or not. If you are painting some furniture and you know that your child may grow out of it, be sure to let your kid help you. Children know what colors they love and they could also put their signature on the furniture with their personal handprints or fingerprints and create a polka-dot design.

6. Growth Chart

If you need to put a growth chart, rather than a traditional growth chart, you can put a border around the room. Every month you can use some water-based, non-toxic paint and put your child’s handprint in the border. It will be a unique way to watch them grow up.

7. Lighting

Lighting in any room is important because it will set the mood. A bright room is always better than a dull one. Be sure to include different kinds of lighting in your kid’s room. Overall lighting is a necessity but also install a reading light, and it can be useful in a number of situations. If your kid decides to read something at night, these lights will help avoid putting any strain on the eyes.

These tips will help you when you decorate your child’s bedroom!
This article was written by Hannah, an interior designer by profession, and she knows all the ins and outs of using the right quality of the furniture and accessories for home decor and workplace. She is also a blogger who loves to write about the home and office maintenance tips and tricks. Check here for more about her.

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