There are many reasons why someone would want to build their own DIY generator. Maybe they think that modern society is about to crumble and they want to be ready with a contingency plan for producing power. Maybe they live somewhere far and remote like a cabin in the wild. Or maybe they want to save a few extra dollars in their monthly electrical bill. Whatever the reason, there are numerous ways you could create your very own portable generator that’s powerful enough to run a small appliance. All you’ll need is a few tools and materials and a good understanding of mechanics, physics, and electricity.
1. Bike Generator
A very simple generator that can be created at home is a bicycle generator. Turning the wheel on a bike that’s connected to a motor will generate electricity while you get a good workout at the same time. This bike generator is enough to power a single-burner stove to boil water or power light fixtures. This kind of generator won’t power a refrigerator or television for sure but it’s enough to power a small appliance that could offer convenience to you. The parts and tools needed are readily available, you won’t even need a whole bike to make this generator, just the frame, pedals and back wheel that connects to a motor and you’re all set.
2. Solar Generator
For places that get abundant sun the majority of the year, making a mini solar power is a great option for alternative power. These could supply power to lights or even charge gadgets and there’s no manual labor that’s needed to create the power, just lay it out under the sun to charge its batteries and you’re good to go. What you’ll need are solar panels to capture the sun’s energy and battery to store it. The more panels you attach together, the more power you’ll generate and the more battery you have, the longer the power will last.
3. Wind Generator
Another great idea for a DIY generator is making your own wind turbine to harness the power of wind. The principle is similar to the bike generator, only this time it is the wind the moves the blades that power the motor to create electricity. The key is to invest in an efficient rotor to create as much energy as possible. Wind generators produce power that is enough to power small appliances like a small TV or a mini fridge, even an electric stove for cooking. One drawback to this is it is dependent on wind and if it stops blowing, it stops producing electricity as well.
4. Lawn Mower Generator
The best portable generators in the market run on gasoline but they could be a little expensive. You can use the alternator of a lawn mower to generate power. While this requires gasoline to operate, it saves you money from buying expensive generators. There are many lawn mowers that have decent motors but require other expensive repairs. The motors can be salvaged and converted into an awesome DIY generator. It’s important to note that you’ll need an inverter to step up the power so appliances can be powered. This kind of generator is usually enough to power a small portable heater, a mini fridge, or an electric kettle.
5. Hydroelectric Generator
One of the best portable generators that can be constructed at home is a hydroelectric generator. This requires a consistent source of flowing water like a river or a small stream but if this criterion is met, a hydroelectric generator could be a reliable and consistent source of electricity. A generator such as this uses the power of running water to run a motor and produce electricity. A water wheel that’s positioned alongside moving water could prove effective at creating unlimited power. However, building such machinery is a bit complicated. It needs preparation and planning to be effective.