Tammy Broccas September 21, 2018
content marketing

Google tells us that more searches are started on mobile devices than on desktops or laptops. More purchases are completed on mobile devices, and many people read blogs, do research, and even do most social media tasks on their phones. What does this mean to marketers and specifically content marketing?

Google has been telling us this for a while, and so have web designers and others. It is past time for us to listen, and to make our content marketing not only mobile friendly, but mobile priority.

How do we do it? Here are some tips about content marketing in a mobile world.

Be Responsive at Least

The very first way we started to set up websites for mobile was to initiate responsive websites. The meant, quite simply, that the code on the website would detect the device the site was being viewed on and respond accordingly. Text would flow properly, pictures would appear like they should but with adjusted resolution and more.

This is what we call now the mobile minimum. If you do not at least have a responsive website and users have to scroll around using their fingers and touchscreens to see your whole site, access your menu, and more the likelihood is they will leave your site and find one that works better on their mobile device.

Quite simply that means you could be losing over half of your organic search traffic in bounce rates. Staggering and tragic, and totally preventable.

What Does AMP Really Mean to You?

AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages. Why did Google embark on the AMP project at all? Simple. You have about four seconds for your page to load, or a user will abandon it and go somewhere else. If you are close to that loading time, you probably have bounce rate issues.

A part of this is because your site load times depend on an optimal connection. If your site is complex enough to take that long to load, if the user has a weak cell signal or a less than optimal WiFi connection, you might be losing out.

This means that you should be attempting to get the fastest load times possible without compromising site design. The closer to the one second mark you are, the better. The faster your content loads, the more likely readers are to actually read and react…

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