
Tammy Broccas January 25, 2019

Imagine an adorable looking skeleton with legs that would put a Victoria Secret’s model to shame decked out in a pinstripe black and white old-fashioned costume with a tail billowing in the wind, a bowtie which resembles a bat and you have Jack Skellington. Inspired by Jack Pumpkinhead from the Wizard of Oz, this animated […]

Tammy Broccas January 21, 2019

With the ever expanding sphere of internet media, streaming services are booming, both commercially and artistically. The concept of cinema and theatre is slowly dissolving because more and more people now have access to content right at their desktops and TVs from the comfort of their homes. The digital data is vast and getting more […]

Tammy Broccas January 10, 2019

We live in an increasingly automated world. Key developments in information technology have the ability to alter the way we’ll live, do business, and shield ourselves leading up to the year 2030. In particular, automation will have a massive impact on the way we collect and process data, manufacture the products we use, and market […]

Tammy Broccas January 6, 2019

Ripple is an online, decentralized currency exchange, real-time gross settlement system and a remittance network Ripple is an alternative to the current troublesome and expensive banking system which works across the borders. The company was determined to get rid of the notorious money exchange rules and the huge transaction fees. Processing delays, lack of transparency […]

Tammy Broccas December 20, 2018

Holiday season is the favorite season of every person. It is the time of year when all of your work is kept aside and you finally start making time for your own self and the people that you love the most. You come close to the people you could not make time for the whole […]

Tammy Broccas December 16, 2018

Nothing beats hitting the road with an RV. Without a doubt, a road trip won’t be complete without a vehicle to help you explore and spend some quality time with your family. Before you visit an RV dealer, there are important things you need to know about owning an RV. This travel trailer may be […]

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