
Tammy Broccas November 11, 2018

Most of us can’t sport the roll-out-of-bed-and-look-fabulous look. As we grow older, we need ample time to get ready especially on work mornings. Brushing teeth, having breakfast, sipping coffee while it’s still warm, checking the phone and planning the day ahead- all of this takes a lot of time and effort. However, that doesn’t mean […]

Tammy Broccas November 5, 2018

Minimalism is somehow of a trend nowadays, and people are really getting into it, it’s not just the lifestyle of the generation but it also a way of saving in a lot of things. As what the famous Richard Holloway – a Scottish writer and the Bishop of Edinburgh from 1986 to 2000 – once […]

Tammy Broccas November 2, 2018

If you’re like most people out there, having a morning routine is probably something that has crossed your mind. Still, all you’ve probably managed to do consistently is to wake up at the last minute, round around the house looking for clothes to wear, the keys, making yourself a cup of coffee (on the days […]

Tammy Broccas October 30, 2018

Average working women have tons of responsibilities on their plate. Surprisingly, mental stress in women was only discovered recently. It wasn’t until the late 90s that researchers and doctors studied and documented about mental stress and its effects on working women. However, their commendable research has helped millions overcome the daily stress and anxiety issues. […]

Tammy Broccas October 23, 2018

You all have must heard a lot about online gaming, its different types and genres and how you can earn money through it. But have you ever heard about online gaming as an addiction? Do you think that playing games on the Internet can be an addiction? Well, to find out more you will have […]

Tammy Broccas October 19, 2018

Alcoholism wears more masks than almost any other addiction. It’s a widely accepted way to celebrate, cope and socialize with people from all walks of life – and this is part of what makes it so dangerous. Louisiana has been dealing with the widespread addiction that came with the opioid epidemic, but the state has […]

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