It used to be the case that backyard mechanics had few options at their disposal for coming up with the parts they needed to complete their own repairs. They could shell out a small fortune for new parts at local auto parts stores or they could try their luck at pick and pulls or junkyards, but both these options had inherent risks.
Today, they also have the option of buying used parts online. Drivers who haven’t ever tried this approach are probably wondering if it’s a good idea to buy used car parts online for repairs. This article will offer a comprehensive answer.
The Benefits of Buying Used
The primary benefit of buying used car parts is that it saves mechanics money, but that’s not the only plus side of buying used. It’s often difficult to find new parts for older cars, and some drivers have resigned themselves to buying parts that don’t quite provide a perfect fit. That’s a mistake.
As long as they buy from a reputable dealer, mechanics usually find that buying used parts offers a cost-effective solution to their mechanical problems no matter what kinds of cars they drive. It’s even possible to get a transmission used.
The Benefits of Buying Online
Don’t get overexcited and head out to the first pick and pull that comes up in a Google search. Buying used parts from junkyards is risky. Junkyards don’t offer guarantees on their parts and more often than not, their parts cars are left out unprotected in all kinds of weather.
Online suppliers only offer the best parts. Plus, there’s no need for buyers to waste hours searching through junkyards or pulling their own parts with inadequate equipment. They can just search for the right parts to fit their unique vehicles, place an order, and have them delivered to their doorsteps.
When to Buy a Transmission
Repairing or rebuilding damaged transmission costs a lot of money, while buying a used transmission online is actually affordable. Keep an eye out for signs of transmission trouble like rough shifts, transmission slipping, and delayed engagement and swap the transmission out before the car breaks down on the side of the road.
When to Buy an Engine
There are a few early warning signs of engine trouble that can give drivers an idea of when it’s time to place an order for a used engine. They include slow acceleration, jerky movements while speeding up, grinding or loud knocking sounds, and the unpleasant scent of burning chemicals. These symptoms can be signs of less serious problems too, so it’s worth making sure that the engine is really beyond repair, but drivers who know their engines are on their last legs should take them as an incentive to place an order for a replacement.
Replacing Other Car Parts
Engines and transmissions are just the largest of used car parts that drivers can purchase online. It’s often cheaper and more convenient to purchase smaller parts like brake system components, hoses, belts, and even things like headlights and taillights online, as well.
The Bottom Line
It is a great idea to buy used car parts online. Buying from a reputable online supplier gives drivers the peace of mind of knowing that they’ll get the right fit and the convenience of having their car parts delivered straight to their doors.